Monday, October 30, 2006
More on November 7 and Affirmative Action
Affirmative action is on the ballot in Michigan on November 7. Groups such as One United Michigan are working to support affirmative action by voting "NO" on Proposition 2. The University of California system is still reviewing the devastating effects of ending affirmative action programs on their schools. The percentage of black students at some schools has dropped to 2% of the student population. The San Francisco Chronicle reports:
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Across the University of California system, black freshman enrollment has dipped and Latino freshman enrollment has risen, but neither has kept pace with the growth of minority high school graduation rates.
At the premier campuses -- UC Berkeley and UCLA -- enrollment of black freshmen has plummeted. At UC Berkeley, enrollment of Latino freshmen also has fallen. And though Latino enrollment has risen at UCLA, the proportion of Latino freshmen has dropped.
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